I'm Hopping Back In
Oh! I'm back! Haha! Guess its been quite a couple of months since I last blogged. I reckon lots has happened over the weeks. There has been the undesirable events slapped straight on my face like a certain trip that has been forced upon me which would practically screw up my upcoming March holiday plans. Not to mention troubles with the school management to approve some leaves I had to take, hope they don't cause much trouble when I have to request leave again to return to m'sia for my cousin's wedding!Then of course there are the good stuff.
Look at them, last I remember they were only three quarters of the height they are now. Growth spurt thanks to puberty, haha! I went back a couple of weeks ago to see them, felt real sense of comfort stepping into the gates I used to frequent for years.
Here's another picture of my NCC Part A'08 cadets all grown up. Somehow I feel kinda attached to them, like a big bro or something though contact with them has certainly gone down over the years. They're still great though! In fact, when I walked past their classrooms that day, I was greeted with a warm welcome, like the entire G/F class people from my Part A that time. Mmmm, feels great :D
Then there were the "Firsts" I experienced there. What kind you may wonder? Its those experiences of first contact with people even though you've already known them for quite some time. You know, the unfamiliar yet all so familiar at the same time.
One would be Bev, whom I've known for quite some time already! In fact, for a couple of years! Think it was sec 3 if I remember correctly but this time was actually the first that I sat down and had a conversation with her, with Alex too, haven't seen her since I graduated. Think I met her during NCC camp when I was sec 4. Wow, those were the times. Oh, and sec 4 NCC camp was the greatest of all NCC camps cause we were in charged for a change, that means total freedom! HAHA!
Then there's Tzuling, didn't talk to her when we were schooling until now. And she shares the same birthday as me! How cool is that! Exactly 365 1/4 days ahead of mine, haha! Hey! There's an ice cream booth behind us in the picture too. Did Mayflower become so awesome to have an ice cream booth in school?! Or was it just a temporary one. Either way, WHY DO IT ONLY AFTER I'VE LEFT! haha

Aye, then there's the trade show experience which was totally wonderful! This was the only time I was actually involved in the airshow! Manning the piper out in the scorching sun is actually pretty fun! Take aside the burning heat, there's sunblock which thankfully Graci brought along to help so its not THAT bad. But the thing is the benefits! Its a joy watching the kids play with the control column, they're like so freaking cute! Oh, not to mention we've like FULL ACCESS DURING THE TRADE SHOW!!! Okay, not FULL, but WONDERFUL nevertheless! Never had I have the chance to just hop into a plane parked there. This is simply the opposite of the previous years that I've been to the airshow as a public guest. No annoying queues, hopping on almost any airplane you want when you ask and walking around with a flight suit is pretty nice! Haha, but really, being able to go through the barricades, that feeling was just LEGENDARY! :D Doubt I'd have my chance to do this again, luckily I think I've made the full use of it, it couldn't have gone any better.Last but not least, there's the Ratings exams which I failed the first time around but retook just yesterday. Fingers crossed! I better pass cause I actually read the whole book! Well, most of it! I even fucked my studies to study for it and now I'm paying the price by skipping chinese new year house visits to catch up with my homework. Opportunity cost for studying, ANG PAO!!!
Oh, any by the way, PEGASUS ROCKS!!!
Labels: Airshow, firsts
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