Bleh! Its Halloween folks! So glad i decided to go out tonight, fortunately I managed to leave earlier as my math tuition got canceled last minute. Then hitched a ride from Josef's mum to yfc when i realized why he was wearing the Skylark shirt and why I'm wearing a blue tee. I FORGOT ABOUT THE SKYLARK TEE!!! That resulted in feeling really naked in the suit, its kinda like wearing a jacket with nothing inside. I'll post a pic of it later on when I've received them from the photographers. There's this one pic, HILARIOUS! Shan't ruin the surprise if I said it now, stay tuned! haha.Tanjong Pagar, never in my conscious memory had i set foot there, today that changed. Went to Sakae Sushi buffet over there. Nice place I'd say, clean with a polished look for the place I visited.Wasabi up your throat, not a good idea, whoa the sensation rushing to the roof of your mouth, weird gas gushing out your nostrils and the desperate hope this feeling would stop. I had it thrice tonight due to losing in finger guessing games. Well everyone lost, except some!!! Especially the Benjamin who shoved wasabi in my suit when they tried to rape me! hahaWish today? Have a Halloween party next year dressed up as the devil or something, this year I "Flight Suit Up!" like what Barney Stinson said, next year, Devil suit up! haha!Cheers everyone and have a Bleh-i-ful Halloween.
A Working Plan?
Kinda nice right? This font, it’s like me having neat handwriting, haha. Seems like it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged. I finally did it, complete the Nike Human Race which I wanted to do last year but over shot the application deadline by weeks! This year’s one, okay, this experience I’ve had for this race, awesome! Not only is it well organized, more than the others I’ve been to, the Safari Zoo Run and the President’s Charity Run. Perhaps I was a little biased when I said that, cause all of them were actually very well organized indeed. Just that this one, apart from having to wake up at 5 in the morning, watching my bro getting lost in the CBD, which by the way is a very good thing that it occurred in the morning cause the ERPs that would be sapping our money would be a fuck load. Yeah, race was good, even saw many familiar faces! Which was from what I think made this so awesome! First started with hmm…Tao Yee I guess? Who happened to be a much better runner than I am haha. Then this girl from Chinese class, can’t quite remember her name. Then another, whom I just got her name, Amanda, nice name. Yeah, then at nearing the finishing line, this dude from NYJC who was in my course in SYFC, yeah, was side by side when we crossed the finishing line. Haha. Then there’s Gwen, who gave me the “Medal” nice medal I’d say. Here it is…
This’ll mark the longest distance I’ve marked, 10km! To think I didn’t train for it and FINISHED it, let alone under an hour, 57min actually. I’M IMPRESSED FOR MYSELF! Haha. Not so for others but for me that’s gotta count for something.Aye. Then come the familiar faces, Benedict, Patricia, SOH WT, Janzen, Yee Khang and this dude I can’t quite remember his name, but was from MFSS too in my year. AWESOME! Oh yeah, you know what’s great bout this race? There’s a Massage Parlor! Yes, you heard me, I was like, great! I don’t need to stretch already, just go for that and I’ll be fine. Not bad I’d say, pretty effective, counting that there were no muscle aches after the race.Then there’s D-Day for Promos, one we longed yet dreaded for. Contradictory feelings for this yet so common. Exam results! Well, glad it’s done and over with. Can’t say I’m glad on how it started with me barely scrapping through GP with an E. To think I’ve worked so hard for that yet only and E, damn! I missed As I had last year. Haha. Owell, when there’s a will, there’s a way! Stay positive! Then came the awesomeness today. B for Econs, so glad I got out of the D back in Mid Years. Though I could have done much better, an A case study but a Failed essay. Then came Chemistry, wasn’t all that surprised cause I was already informed I’d get a B, still, could have done much better and smiling wide kissing my E in Mid Years goodbye. Haha! Same for physics, B too, loads of Bs this time, 3 in total. Was more of expecting an A, but guess I was complacent, my fault in that. Didn’t improve greatly, stuck at a B though an improvement of like, 4 marks? That counts right? And that totally gave myself the perfect excuse to apply for H3 physics which I was considering if I got an A which never came. Better ace at one that be a master of nothing. Maths gave me a surprise, never did I scored so well! As I was gleaming with joy, hitting only S’, Cs and a top of a B, I finally hit an A!!! Was truly shocked by that when I saw an 83 for on my paper, I truly missed seeing an 8 in the front of the 2 digits on JC papers. A cause to celebrate for! Glad to see an improvement in almost everything, maybe just Chinese, an S still, I’VE TO PASS!!! NO NEGOTATION! No way I’m gonna take CLB next year. HahaHard work really pays off seeing from this year’s results, just the price you’ve to pay like I did. Consider revising. However, since I’ve started already. Guess there’s no turning back ain’t it? Already made a bad impression, why not go all out and ignore all. Make amends when a fresh opportunity arrives.Have you ever seen me reading a story book before? Guess what I’m starting to read now! No, I’m not grounded like the last time, it’s just that THERE ARE BENEFITS IN READING! Only applicable to interesting ones like the one I’m reading now, “Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince”. Kiddy? Who gives a damn, it’s nice and I like it. Kinda been spending more time on it than games these days, firstly, no new games available, secondly with all the formatting and software installation, I need some entertainment with me not in built in the computer. Haha. It works.Cheers,Ethan?
Should I Have Done That?
Sins, what are they? Be it acts that are illegal or a violation to one's conscience. Well, for the past weekend, I've done 3, not proud of it, maybe I am, haha!
Sin 1. A night out with tommy, jerry, yuxi and simon. You know, after a meal you're kinda expected to pay for it, well, being judge, jury and excecutioners, we decided, based on the dissappoint food quality, they didn't deserve to be rewarded. haha! If that was bad enough, we committed trespassing. You know the rooftop garden at the OC? Spectacular view, somehow cordened off. Well, try going ON the roof. Views there are much better and satisfying, but chances are you'll get busted and called down by the guards. What school I'm in they asked, Temasek JC. haha! Guess later on we decided to lay off the crimes and just chill out, we weren't granted that right when a guard chased us off when he spotted us playing cards. Like what T said, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE GUARDS HERE?! Can't we just chill out and play cards and not disrupt anyone or break any property? We weren't gambling anyway. Still, the adrenaline from climbing up the ladder up to the roof kept pumping all night. Then it kinda went down when we say this trans dancing flirtatiously outside a bar, directly facing the band playing, i could udnerstand why they were looking down. haha!
Sin 2, too much booze! Sin 3, TOO MUCH FOOD!!! Yesterday's mutton bryani and today at Tony Roma's. Whoa, I need to start running or I'd grow fatter. haha. I've still got a nike human race to complete next Saturday. Shirt ain't as nice as last year's, but still its good! $20 for a race, original nike tee and bottle, talk about value for money! Or, Nike simply sells SUPER OVERPRICED goods. Yeah, Tony Roma's has great steak and ribs. Whoa, Blue Martinis, a house mix cocktail and Bloody Mary ( SPICE PACKED! Try it, haha. Find out their special ingredient. Didn't really knew they had TOBASCO till i actually tried it today. I was like, THIS TASTES LIKE FOOD!!! Then my mum asked the bartender to find what they had put inside, its good, but think i prefer tobasco, out of my drink. haha! Blue martinis still rock).
Seriously, how unruly is this? Damned guards...
You know, there are times in life where things may seem complicated but when you look back, they just are the most trivial of things. These are the times which include feeling horrible when you are supposed to feel happy and when you're supposed to feel down, deep down you feel this joyful kid waiting to burst out. I've no idea why I'm thinking this way, perhaps its the flu pills messing with my head, gotta tell ya, by far the MOST effective medicine ever to keep me lying on the bed. Gotta stop taking them. Guess I forgot how it feels like to feel "sober" again, feeling how I want to feel and how it should feel.It may not be surprising at all, cause I'm sure many including myself feel this way at times, things just don't go according to plan. Okay, i SERIOUSLY hope the doc didn't mix female hormonal mood swing powder into the supposing flu tablets. Mood swings? Damn, no idea.Then there's this phenomenon, what you may think you want, may not be true. Cause once you get it, its like, what? what happened? Oookay. Yes, I'm talking about exams, this is one of the few that falls under this list. Take exams for instance alright, you've been looking for it to be done and over asap. But once its over, the expected inner joy you get isn't there somehow, perhaps lost in the wandering deserts, who knows.On a lighter note, things that make you truly happy, aren't the ones you expected it to be. They just come along, the little things that put a smile on your face and go wow, I totally did not catch that coming to me, but thank god it did. I'm not saying that things you work hard for aren't fulfilling in the end, they are! Its just that to the broad definition, there are exceptions like this which come to play in our daily lives. In fact, those are the main goals in life we should head towards to, cause it makes you realize how much you can achieve when you want something so badly you're willing to push yourself over the edge to get it.So, what I'm saying is... ...
A Reply
Sometimes, though the truth is hard to bear, its better for the other person to know it rather than to ignore. Stay contactable, at least give an answer to a question than to leave one to false hope and eventually make one realize it oneself. It'll be more time saving to just let it all out, too hurtful? Use your words wisely and convey the message wrapped in bubble wrap.A little voice, which may cause one to reconsider their actions in the future. True, what one doesn't know can't hurt him. But, letting one waste time pondering what happened, does.:)
Finally feeling the breeze splashing into my face...

(compliments from Tommy)
OH MY GOD! Finally its over! I mean, its been so long since I've officially been able to chill out. June holidays was officially a holiday, but it was more of a BETTER USE IT WISELY kinda holiday. Meaning don't fool around or you'll be played a fool! But everything has its price, having to sit through the final and TOUGHEST paper I'd say. Not very hard said Lydia, I THINK NOT! haha! I'm so gonna kill her, having sit through a paper where I'm incapacitated, strapped to a chair and forced to read Sanskrit. I guess that'll be how it feels like for normal people who aren't handicapped in Chinese as I am.Well, that's that and I'm SOOO glad its over. Heard from Graci and Josef, bbq. Nice! Been asking, where's the outing? This Saturday? Later? Set ar! Now with promos out of the way, let the good times roll! haha.Now lets see, upcoming events? I'd say this picnic/dinner/ i don't know what's gonna happen on Friday and should start phoning people now! haha. Then there's this even Dunstan said it'll be awesome, I should make plans for that soon now with school out. And WAY MORE CATCHING UP SESSIONS!!! Oh my, seems like a decade since I've seen my sec school mates. I'm back in the game now and its time to let loose! haha.Cheers to all who have gotten rid of their exams, I'll leave a glass or two for those who haven't, don't worry. We'll hang out soon.Take care.P.S. I just made this blog public.
New blog?
Hey guys! I can say I'm baccck...Apparently I've to change to this template cause I wasn't able to access my own blog and perhaps I'm getting sick and tired of spammers already. Apparently, that was a case which was too complicated I shall say. Well, apparently it kinda stopped, one way or another. Well, this is a new beginning i shall say. Wait till I get the hang of the functions here. This is kinda new to me, didn't really changed to the new version cause I had to discard my blogskin. Owells, things have to start somewhere.I shouldn't really be blogging right now I'd say, ITS STILL PROMO PERIOD! Okay apparently, from what I just heard from Tommy like 5 seconds ago, I have to revert back to the classic template to have custom blogskins. Darn! Leave it to later...Or I have just reverted back to the classic template again. haha! It just happened.You know, now is a GREAT time to watch TV series. I mean for the comedies/drama/thrillers based in USA, this is the time seasons are renewed and time to start downloading! Did i saw downloading? Oh, i meant borrowing from kind strangers. haha! Speaking of borrowing from kind strangers, yesterday, I just found out that I didn't have my ez-link card with me. Cause my bro went to borrow it and it never occurred to him I'll need it the next morning, haha. Yeah, then I was this jumpy boy kinda shocked and started to borrow change from others, i mean. I had a fifty, ten and a two dollar note in my wallet. Hell no I'm gonna waste the first two notes. So i almost resorted to wasting my two dollar note for a bus ride.Fortunately, the bus driver said "Hey, don't waste that, go get some change from others" and that was what i did, apparently, not many had change even for 2 bucks. Merry go round i went till i found this girl whom i had woken and she kinda gave me 50 cents. That was the end of my borrowing money regime. Felt kinda bad for that. Note to self: must return her the change when i see her again. haha.And yes, now almost ALL of my tv serials have resurrected! Come on, Simpsons, How I Met Your Mother, South Park, 90210, Big Bang Theory are out!!! Like new episodes every weekday. In fact, I think my balls just shrunk, haha! I somehow found Gossip Girl entertaining, i don't know what they did to me, but I actually "borrowed" the entire season 1 of it! Cat fight bitching, sexy babes, guys getting hot babes laid, rich world, i don't know, its nice somehow. haha!Till next time,Take care folks!